Thursday, June 01, 2006

Summer is here

My apologies for not posting at all the past two weeks but family and work come first and both have kept me very busy. Plus, I didn't really have a lot of ideas to write about as my mind was occupied. But with the arrival of summer the logjam has been broken and I hope to blog more often.

See, my years run not from Jan 1- Dec. 31 but from the middle of August until the middle of June, basically the same as a school calendar because local school spotrs is what I predominantly cover. The Pierce County Fair in early August for me is like one beig New Year's Eve celebration because the Monday afterwards, that's when football starts and it begins all over again.

So with more time on my hands I hope to write my column weekley now and still provide posts and links about individuals, groups, and parties that are fighting the Powers that Be. I also hope to get this blog linked on to more likeminded sites and hope to have some news and reviews about my book.

Summer's here and hopefully the blogging will be easy...

I do wish comment upon this Unity 08 story. There was an article recently in New York magazine about this group of ex-Carter and Ford campaign officials along with a few other centrists detremiend to run a centrist candidate for President in 2008. (Like that hasn't been tried before.) I wrote a letter to the author of what was a good and ineteresting story in a series of stories about a new party that what they were describing was not a party at all but a presidential campaign. That's all fine and good but what happens after that even if they managed to win however unlikely? Do they have candidates ready to run for mayor of New York in 2009, or for govenor of Virginia? or for seats in the New Jersey Assembly? The major parties are already thinking ahead to such races because it is their business to do so. Politics is their business, that's what they do and they don't take breaks. The next campaign is never far away. Besides trying to define what a centrist voter is or does, such groups like Unity 08 had better think about that before they even get themselves off of the ground. Are they going to be a brand new party, or just someone's vehicle to run for President. There's a big difference as Ross Perot showed.


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