Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thanks to all those who bought my book at recent state conventions

I recently attended the Wisconsin state Libertarian and Constitution Party conventions in Madison last weekend (semmed like everyone had business in Madison last weekend, the state capital was teeming with out-of-towners.

I want to thank all of those who bought Beating the Powers that Be. I'm not much of a salesman and I don't know how many times I had to explain what my book was about and comming up with a different answer each time. But I felt very successful getting my ideas across to the delegates which was the purpose in being at both conventions (They were just down the street from each other. The LP met in the Coliseum Bar in the morning and the CP was at the Sheraton Hotel in the afternoon.) Hopefully those ideas can germinate and grow.

I also got to meet the CP's 2004 presidnetial nominee Michael Peroutka. A very fine man and good speaker as well. It figures, Constitution Party, Constitutional lawyer a presidential nominee, why not? It was bound to happen. What was interesting was that Peroutka did not sell himself as being the favorite for the CP's 2008 nomination (althought everyone at the convention would have supported him it seems) nor gave any hints or plans that he was running in two years. Yet what he was doing was selling DVDs and tapes and pamplets and books teaching, what else? the Constitution. If anything, Peroutka understands that his mission is as much about education as it is getting votes which impressed me.

Hopefully in the coming years we'll see more of the kind of activism the Greens already do being emulated by the CP and LP. Many members of both parties didn't realize the Greens help to organize those antiwar referdums in Wisconsin. When I told them that they could do the same thing, you could just see the idea bulbs turn on in their heads. It's a great way to keep a small party active during the down times or non-even year elections and way to project influence beyond electing a candidate.

I sold 15 books and I honestly don't know how many more I've sold so far (and won't know until August.) Amazon.com tells me I've sold enough to be in their top 25% of books but what that means is anyone's guess. I have to keep pluggintg away this spring and summer and hopefully good word mouth will mean good sales.


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