Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Constitution Party adds new member, Paynesville, Minn. mayor

The Constitution Party's new Veteran's Coalition is starting to catch fish and the first big catch is the mayor of the Minnesota town of Paynesville.

What this shows is that by targeting groups of voters by who they are rather than by ideology, parties build themselves. That's essence of Beating the Powers that Be.

Paynesville was the site of a sit in by Paul Wellstone in a bank to protest farm foreclosures during the 1980s. They also have a good wrestling program.

---Sean Scallon

CPMN Adds New Member - Mayor of Paynesville

For 25 years I served as an active duty, Army Reserve, and Minnesota National Guard soldier. That career included serving as a Military Intelligence battalion operations NCO, and stints as a First Sergeant in both the Army Reserve and Minnesota National Guard. Today I embark on a new mission.

I've been very active in "major" party politics for some time. My first experience, growing up in a DFL environment, was serving as a district and state delegate shortly after being old enough to vote. I also helped on individual campaigns, including such things as serving as county coordinator for a congressional candidate.

As I matured, which having to work for a living and enlisting in the Army can facilitate, my political leanings drifted to the right. Upon returning to civilian life back here in Minnesota, I became active in the Republican Party, serving in such positions as precinct chair, BPOU treasurer, BPOU co-chair, and district and state delegate.

I've also been involved in non-partisan politics and local government. I've served on the Paynesville city council since 1989. In 1996 I ran for, and was elected mayor, and have served in that position since. On November 7th I ran again and was elected to my sixth two-year term.

Above I referred to my so-called maturation. But as I've matured and gathered experience, I've come to understand that it is not I that has changed. What has changed is what our so-called "major" parties have become and have to offer. Like big-box super stores, they're willing to promise, say, or do anything to get our vote or contribution. We're the sweatshop workers toiling away for the benefit of others. We're the small business owners run out of town over political greed. Lobbyists, PACS, special interest groups, and party leaders make up the political boards of directors. I began to wonder if there was a political party at all that was a steady, principled party that had any values at all.

I've been studying the Constitution Party for some time, and have seen it as a very principled party, with a very strong and stable platform. But, I had been hesitant to take the plunge until learning of the new Veteran's Coalition. At last I've found a party that takes our country's veterans seriously and is not interested in using them as political pawns or cannon fodder in political battles.

For 25 years I served as an active duty, Army Reserve, and Minnesota National Guard soldier. That career included serving as a Military Intelligence battalion operations NCO, and stints as a First Sergeant in both the Army Reserve and Minnesota National Guard. Today I embark on a new mission.

Upon consultation with the Constitution Party of MN chairman, I hereby announce my service as the founding chairman for the CPMN chapter of the Constitution Party Veteran's Coalition. Please watch for details in the coming months as developments occur. With that, I just would like to say that I am delighted to be on board with the party of "conservative" principle here in Minnesota, and am looking forward to getting involved with the CPMN and Veteran's Coalition.


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