Saturday, September 30, 2006

Season of violence

There was a school shooting in homestate of Wisconsin for the first time. It took the life of a school principal.

Weston High School and the village Cazenovia are not far from my family's ancestral homestead or my parent's place in southwest Wisconsin. I've been through the area and been by the school. This is so sad. They don't deserve this, no one does. It will be years before they get over it. This also took place over homecoming weekend for Weston. Now every homecoming for them from now on will be with a heavy heart and many of those kids will be affected for life.

Hopefully, all of us in Wisconsin can all mourn together. The streets of Milwaukee may seem a million miles away from the farms and fieldes of Cazenovia, but their are greieving mothers who have lost their children to the same kind of senseless violence. They've lost someone they love irregardless of place. Let's hope this season of violence will come to an end someday.

--Sean Scallon


At 9:21 AM, Blogger Sean Scallon said...

Yes indeed.


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