Saturday, September 30, 2006

Season of violence

There was a school shooting in homestate of Wisconsin for the first time. It took the life of a school principal.

Weston High School and the village Cazenovia are not far from my family's ancestral homestead or my parent's place in southwest Wisconsin. I've been through the area and been by the school. This is so sad. They don't deserve this, no one does. It will be years before they get over it. This also took place over homecoming weekend for Weston. Now every homecoming for them from now on will be with a heavy heart and many of those kids will be affected for life.

Hopefully, all of us in Wisconsin can all mourn together. The streets of Milwaukee may seem a million miles away from the farms and fieldes of Cazenovia, but their are greieving mothers who have lost their children to the same kind of senseless violence. They've lost someone they love irregardless of place. Let's hope this season of violence will come to an end someday.

--Sean Scallon

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sorry I haven't been writing for a while

I've been busy lately but I will get a new work schedule next month so I should be able to have the time write on a weekly basis. See you soon.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Starting to sink in

How much influence has Beating the Powers that Be had since its relase in January? Well, I think this recent annoucement by the Constituion Party shows that at some non-major parties are looking outside of trying to find votes ideologically and find them culturally. Veterans are a cultural group and hopefully the CP can mine a mother lode among them.

---Sean Scallon

Jim Clymer, chairman of the Constitution Party National Committee, America’s largest and fastest growing third party, announced today the formation of the Constitution Party National Veterans Coalition.

"I am very pleased to announce that a most distinguished group of American veterans led by Brigadier General Charles Jones, USAFR Ret., of Las Vegas, Nevada, who will serve as chairman, have come together to form the Constitution Party National Veterans Coalition for the purpose of reaching out to America’s true heroes, its veterans. We wish to let them know they have a political home in the Constitution Party, a party which seeks to preserve and protect the national security, constitutional principles and freedoms for which they sacrificed so selflessly,” said Clymer.

General Jones added, “Veterans nationwide strongly believe the Democrat and Republican Parties have failed the American people in many ways and have done little to correct major problems in our society. Examples include allowing our borders to be unsecured, permitting an illegal invasion of over 20 million aliens, failing to protect against the effects of Islamic extremism and making us dependent upon foreign oil controlled by states that support terrorists. The safety of our people, our culture and the very future of America is at great risk because the politicians of both major parties have been derelict in not placing principle above party and country before self. We are asking fellow Military Veterans to once again band together, this time at the ballot box, before we descend into a national political disaster fostered by an invasion of illegal aliens and terrorism sponsored by nations on whom we depend for oil.”

The Veterans Coalition propounds that the only real solution is to reject the failed policies of the past and replace those politicians who are responsible for those failures with leaders who will faithfully follow the Constitution and truly represent the interests of the American people. To save our civilization, we must enforce our laws by securing the borders, imposing severe sanctions upon employers of illegal aliens, halting all taxpayer funded subsidies and social programs for illegal aliens and removing 20 million illegals by attrition through enforcement. Illegal immigrants are crushing our medical, educational, welfare, economic and penal systems and the American taxpayer in the process.

The Veterans Coalition’s immediate goal is to reach out to the 26 million veterans, plus their families and friends, to let them know that the Constitution Party stands 100% beside them in defense of America’s Constitution and its national security, its sovereignty and its freedoms. It will let them know that there is a strong Constitution Party option at the ballot box for those who want to change policy rather than merely changing administrators of failed policies.

The Veterans Coalition will focus on six urgent national issues:

1. Secure Borders

2. Strong National Defense

3. Punish Employers of Illegal Aliens to the full extent of the law

4. Limit Taxes to those for Constitutionally authorized expenditures(to include abolishing the IRS and replacing the current tax system)

5. Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies and Social Programs for Illegal Aliens

6. Attain Energy Independence within five years

Veterans and their families and friends are encouraged to find out more about the Constitution Party and to join in this effort by visiting the national party website at or by calling 1(800) 2VETO-IRS or (717) 390-1993.

Another message to the nihlists

Lew Rockwell recently wrote a column on his website critizing the Libertarian Party for changing or "watering down" their party platform. In his view, the LP has sold out to try and win elections or at least get more votes. He says the LP would be better off being a party of perpetual opposition and perpetual criticism to the Powers that Be.

Maybe the LP won't increase their share of the vote as Rockwell claims or maybe they will, who knows? But at least they're trying to do something to shake up a moribund party. They would be no worse off anyway. You can't win anything unless you aim to and a party that doesn't at least try is nothing more than a professional bitiching society nobody is going to take seriously.

Freepers often refered to Rockwell as "Loser Rockwell" and now I see their point. First he tells people that voting itself is pointless act and that no one should bother to do so to try deligitimize the system itself. Then he tells LP members to continuously waste their time in losing campaigns because they are somehow "better" than the electorate deserves. Well, they're getting their wish I guess.

Here's the brutal reality to Lew and the Rockwellians: 1). The system doesn't care if you vote or not. All they need is a single vote, for or against, to make them legitimate. 2). You cannot influence or even be a part of the debate unless you try. Nobody pays attention to losers, especially those who lose on purpose. Why would think a strategy of trying to avoid victory would make you any more influential? Would you tell Ron Paul this?

This is the same kind of debate I engaged with CP members a month ago. Those who want to avoid any kind of success in politics should not even bother with it. Why waste your time, energy and fortune? You're better off with doing good work with think tanks like the Von Mieses Institute or websites like Lew, which both do good work every day, than worrying about campaigns you don't plan on winning. I understand their feelings that politics is fundementally corrupt, that absolute power corrupts and that abandoning principle is a fundemental part of politics. Often cases that's true. But it often times depends on the person involved as to how corrupted they are. Would anyone call Ron Paul corrupted because he's a politican and runs for office every two years? There are always exceptions and if one presents and defends a large framework for one's policies, one can compromise on the small details.

That's what the LP is trying to do, be broader rather than narrower. I've looked at summaries of the LP's new platform and I don't think they've sold out their basic principles. They've just decided to take out the kooky language and special emphasis on drug legalization that's become a drag on their fortunes in recent years. They want to win or at least have some influence on the process and if that means the Starchilds or Chief Wana Dubies of the party are left out, so much the better. Libertarians are tired of being left of out the national debate and they cannot take on the Powers that Be unless people take them and their ideas seriously. If Rockwell and other purists have a problem with that, then the best they can do, as I told dissident CP members, is foreswear politics altogether. There's no point getting involved when you don't really want to be. There're other venues one can be a part of other than elections to frame the debate or educate voters. That's what they should focus on.

Local book review

This brief book review came from Dave Wood and recently appeared in several papers that are part of the company (Forum Communications) that I work for.

On the regional front we have “Beating the Powers that Be,” by Sean Scallon (Order at With Democrats and Republicans seemingly unable to get anything done other than hurling insults at each other, it seems particularly appropriate that Scallon should write a book about successful third parties of the past, including the Non-Partisan League of North Dakota, the Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota and the Progressive Party of Wisconsin.

Dave Wood is a past vice-president of the National Book Critics Circle and former book review editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Wood is currently a columnist and book reviewer for Rivertowns Newspapers and the Red Wing Republican-Eagle.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A man before his time

As someone who was a Pat Buchanan supporter, I found this article interesting and well written by Bob Strodtbeck from today's Like a lot of people, Buchanan was a man before his time. While it's nice to see him vindicated in many ways, cheering in the ruins is not much for celebration. Still, as someone who fought the Powers that Be throughout the 1990s, he is still inspirational.

--Sean Scallon

By: Bob Strodtbeck

Almost immediately after Pat Buchanan's newest book, State of Emergency, became available for purchase, remnants of the Buchanan Brigades, the Peasants with the Pitchforks, and new converts who have been encouraged that someone finally has the courage to recognize that uncontrolled immigration is hurtful to America's stability began clamoring for him to mount a new run for president.

The idea is personally gratifying because I have witnessed, since the GOP vilification of us populists who rallied around Our Pat in 1996, the country become imperiled because Republican leaders have run from the very issues Buchanan has raised since 1992.

When I think back to how the party characterized us as a bunch of xenophobic, racist bigots who lived in irrational fear of the great global utopia into which they promised to usher America, I can't help but to feel a bit smug about how the GOP's titular leader, President Bush, struggles to find the right words to tell us that what we are seeing with the melt-down in the Middle East, the erosion of working wages, the strains that dual careers are causing to families, the transplanting of American factories to the labor markets of the third world, and the choking out of the working middle class is not a reflection of the reality he wants to create for us. My continual, vengeful, mean-spirited, human instinct is to simply think, “It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of people.”

Is it too much point out that besides warning against uncontrolled immigration, Buchanan declared to America, in 1992, that, “There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself. And in that struggle for the soul of America,...” Sadly too many of us did not understand what was at the core of that struggle for America's soul, and now we are largely stuck with dealing with the consequences of our ignorance.

In his first book that took on the direction of the nation in the post Cold War era, The Great Betrayal (Little Brown, 1998), Buchanan pointed out that America grew to become a global economic and social power through labor, industry, and a protected working middle class that was that was dedicated to providing for home and family. He documented how, since 1945, the nation had been led from that foundation to gorge itself on consumerism, corporate profit, and elusive promises of world peace and plenty provided by free trade and the global economy.

When Pat talked of the culture war, we didn't want to accept the idea that the value we place upon our work was a central part of that. Too many of us who banked our future on the hopes of an ever-growing stock market, perpetually expanding 401-K's, expanding borders promised by faithfully repeating “The Prayer of Jabez”, and the promise of always going to Wal Mart and finding everyday low prices on goods “Made in the USA”, thought that the culture war was about seeing nudity on the TV, teenagers getting pregnant, and homosexuals getting married. So we eschewed the message of the value of work and labeled it to be pro-union and, perhaps communist at its core.

Now, though, the American working middle class is in a full-fledged wage war with the caste systems of the world. Profits are soaring for the Fortune 500 and the top executives are rewarding themselves with huge raises—just so they can stay ahead of professional athletes, lobbyists, and political advisers, but the real wages of Americans are in their harshest decline in 15 years.

The emergence of the new American caste system that can only come from a materialistic and amoral culture that values power, wealth and self gratification above principle, people and their social, cultural, and economic contributions has provided great benefit to the political system and the news industry. Political campaigning has become a year-round industry that sees nearly a billion dollars filter through Democrat and Republican coffers during presidential election years—and this does not include money spent on congressional, state, local elections. That money filters through the political parties and goes into the media machine that produces the information we use to select our elected leaders.

The fact of the matter is that the political system is not going to allow any movement or individual to threaten that flow of wealth. The one thing that doomed the Buchanan movement during those heady days of the mid-'90's was his promise that, “...when I raise my hand and take that oath of office, that New World Order comes crashing down.” Buchanan has detailed, through four books since The Great Betrayal, the reasons for our national decline, the principles that can preserve American culture and society, and the steps that we need to take to turn the nation back to its roots.

In every case his message is that we take stock in each other and resist the temptation to pass power to a central authority to care for our problems—whether that central authority be a manufacturer that can promise us cheap consumer goods because it uses Chinese slave labor, or a federal government that steps in and tells us who we can hire at what rates while it neglects controlling an immigration movement that is placing downward pressure on working wages.

Another Buchanan campaign for president is not going to successfully turn the ship of state around. Primarily because if it is successful, he will be alone in a bipartisan sea dedicated to self preservation. If he should gather enough popular support to conquer the political process to be elected president, the political system will take that as a direct threat on its hold on power and respond as a wounded animal fighting for its life.

More importantly, however, those of us who consider a new Buchanan candidacy to be an opportunity to change the direction of the country need only to review what the GOP did to choke off his campaign so it could forfeit the presidency to the re-election to Bill Clinton. The venom of the system will be much more deadly this go around and it will be aimed at not only incapacitating the head, but killing off the body as well—after all, why are unwarranted wire taps proceeding without congressional oversight?

Buchanan's prose has been an inspiration to millions of Americans for more than a decade. The problem for us is that inspiration has been scattered through a nation of more than three hundred million with a political system that has been increasingly centralized for more than a century. The political system has too much control over the minds of the public to think that it can be displaced easily—taking on that system will require a long march of reason and activity.

For that reason the suggestion is made here to the Buchanan Brigades, the Peasants with Pitchforks, and the newcomers who have been put off by the election-year bate and switch conservatism of the GOP that we now devote ourselves to verbalizing the principles of constitutional federalism and work to the election of local and state office holders who will uphold them. Doing so will begin building a new infrastructure to give political support to someone who will actually respect America's governing principles upon his election.